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As a member of the Forbes Agency Council, I recently had the opportunity to contribute to a thought-leadership piece on how brands can master the use of live video to connect with their audiences. The article offers a collection of excellent tips, tactics and strategies for the general market, and a number of them can be adapted to a healthcare-specific audience. Here are just a few.
- Provide value. Women have a million and one distractions online, so give them content that will help them in some way. Have you recently hired new doctors to fill a specialty need? Expanded an existing service line? Added options to your birthing suites? Interview doctors and give tours of your new tech.
- Treat a live video like an event. Promote it in advance, time it for when your audience is most active, and hint at the announcement you’ll make.
- Remember you’re in a conversation. Reply in real time to comments users post as you stream, and keep teasing that announcement to keep them watching until the end.
You can read the full article here. If you’re curious how more of the strategies listed can apply to your hospital brand, reach out to me to start a conversation.