Tag Archives: industry trends

Healthcare Internal Marketing: An Interview With Viddler

I recently sat down with Viddler co-founder Donna DeMarco to discuss how hospitals are increasingly marketing to their own employees in the form of internal marketing campaigns. Viddler is an interactive video hosting platform that helps healthcare organizations build better internal cultures. Below is a post they wrote about our interview, which includes topics like trend-spotting, crafting messages, gathering info and finding patterns. You can also check out the post on the Viddler blog.

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Lessons for Hospital Marketers From the JPMorgan Healthcare Conference

Hospital marketers seeking to reach women can better understand and support the healthcare organizations they work for by learning about and capitalizing on the latest industry trends. Dan Michelson, CEO of Chicago-based Strata Decision Technology, recently wrote a thoughtful recap of the 2019 JPMorgan Healthcare Conference in an article titled “The No. 1 takeaway from the 2019 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference: It’s the platform, stupid.” The article offers insights into the evolution of healthcare delivery systems as they shift from a provider mindset (selling services) to a platform mindset (being a hub for healthcare and health services in the community).

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