Tag Archives: hospital marketing

Healthcare Internal Marketing: An Interview With Viddler

I recently sat down with Viddler co-founder Donna DeMarco to discuss how hospitals are increasingly marketing to their own employees in the form of internal marketing campaigns. Viddler is an interactive video hosting platform that helps healthcare organizations build better internal cultures. Below is a post they wrote about our interview, which includes topics like trend-spotting, crafting messages, gathering info and finding patterns. You can also check out the post on the Viddler blog.

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Five AI Trends for Healthcare Marketers to Know

AI in Healthcare

AI is shaping the present and future of healthcare delivery, and women are taking note. Accenture reports on five trends in how the technological evolution is playing out.

Accenture Consulting recently published a report that outlines five exciting AI trends in healthcare. The report points out opportunities and obstacles inherent in the rapid innovations in medical technology and suggests a number of solutions that can help healthcare providers deliver better care to patients. Below, I’ve summarized the report’s main points and included some thoughts about how healthcare marketers can use this information to connect with women.

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10 Lessons Hospital Marketers Can Learn From Loyalty Marketing

This article originally appeared on AMA.org.

The popularity of retail loyalty programs has exploded in recent years, but hospitals and healthcare organizations have been slow to adopt them — partly because of concerns about patient privacy and HIPAA. But that’s starting to change.

As the value of a well-run loyalty program becomes more evident, hospitals are beginning to test loyalty strategies, most with the goal of anticipating needs and enhancing care delivery to increase patient retention.

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How Hospital Marketers Can Master the Art of Live Video

image: iStock

As a member of the Forbes Agency Council, I recently had the opportunity to contribute to a thought-leadership piece on how brands can master the use of live video to connect with their audiences. The article offers a collection of excellent tips, tactics and strategies for the general market, and a number of them can be adapted to a healthcare-specific audience. Here are just a few.

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